Special Concert for Korean-American children with disabilities |
The Korea Times - November 13th
Hosted by KASPED and EnoB.
Opportunity to touch, make sound, and experience in person
This concert fulfilled its purpose by presenting music that coordinated with theme and the title of Lets play with Music. All the compositions have been arranged to entertain all disabled, able-bodied children, and their parents.
On this day, they have prepared a special section in which children can participate directly. Students were able to touch, play, and experience instruments that they have been interested in before. In between the programs, balloon-artist played with children while music therapist taught parents about various music therapies.
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ѱ - 2006 11 3
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־Ƶ θ Ư ȸ 11 ȴ.
̳ ȸ Ǿ ڡ ɸ° ֵ ̵ ̿ ߾ Ǿ ֿ, Ϲ Ƶ θ Բ ־. ַ̽Ʈ ٸƵ 忡 Ȱ ǰ ε 찡 ֻ ڶߴ.
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̳ ȸ Ư(KASPED) ü ̳(EnoB) ߰, ȸ õ ֿ Ϲ θ 100 ߴ.
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