Heartwarming Event |
The Korea Times - April 25, 2008
Last weekend, a festival for the disabled hosted by a union of several organizations for the disabled was a perfect example of how much joy we can spread by simply thinking in their shoes.
On this day of event, participants with disabilities gained confidence that they can enjoy fine music concert.
The concert was arranged with top-notch performances including traditional dance, story-telling, classical music, and musical provided by EnoB (Innovative Bridge, President Tae Wook Kang).
The event was sensational. Those who are dancing in circles hand in hand, those who are expressing excitement by spinning their wheelchair, those who are imitating musicals main character Everyone was enjoying the music and letting their imagination run free.
Their parents who observed all of these said with tears in their eyes, we have never seen our children that happy. We never knew, we never knew how much they would love this We hope an event like this can be held often.
The disabled became the center of this event not because of delicious food or gifts, but because of the music that guided them on to the stage.
During April which is a month for the disabled, I hope that many Korean-Americans set out to understand and find out more about the disabled peoples needs.
ѱ - 2008 4 5
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ָ 屳ȸ ֿ鿡 ū ſ ִ 翴. ̳ ־Ƶ ûҳ ̼ ̺Ʈ Ǿ ڡ(Lets Play with Music& Arts) ſ Ѹ̾.
̳ 翡 ֿ 翬 ֺ ̳(EnoB/ǥ ¿) ȭ, Ŭ ǰ ϸ ȸ ִ١ ڽŰ .
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