"Happiness and encouragement for disabled children"
The Korea Times - April 21, 2008
Korean-American organizations serving the disabled gathered in one place to make a change in perception of the disabled and to wish for a better welfare of the disabled. In this event, musicians including international violinist Judy Kang, Seong Yeon Tae, Joo Chan Im, Yeong Mi Ha, Soo An Son, Yang Hee Lee, Yoon Kyung Park, Joy Son and so on, participated to perform. Tae Wook Kang, President of EnoB, who planned and directed the event said, I wish it was a delightful and encouraging time for the disabled people who were in cultural blind spot.

I think the reason for the existence of many Korean-American organizations for the disabled is that government-provided services in cultural activities cannot fully meet the needs of those people. He ended the interview with a determination, EnoB will strive to provide various musical and cultural programs to the children and youth who are unable to receive cultural benefits due to social and economical difficulties, the disabled, and the patients. Sun Duk Chun, President of the COCO, said, it was a huge gift for the disabled and their family. It was a meaningful event because disabled children and youth gained confidence that they can also attend concerts.
"ֿ鿡 ݰ ݷ ð"
ѱϺ 4 21, 2008
̳Ǿ ڡ.

ε鿡 񽺸 ϰ ִ δü ڸ ο νĺȭ ߴ. 4 ¾ ־Ƶ 񽺼(COCO) о˼, о˼, Ư(KASPED) 19 屳ȸ( 賲 ) ̳(EnoB/ǥ ¿) Ƶ ûҳ ̼ ̺Ʈ 'Ǿ ڡ(Let's Play with Music& Arts) Բ ϸ Ʈ Ȱȭ ȿ ߴ.

̳ 翡 ̾󸮴ϽƮ ֵ ½¿, , Ͽ, ռ, ̾, , ̼վ ⿬, .縦 ȹ ̳ ¿ ǥ ȭ 簢뿡 ִ ֿ鿡 ݰ ݷ ð Ǿ⸦ ٶ١ ü ȭ Ȱó 񽺰 ġ ϴ κ ̶ Ѵ.

̳ ε ΰ Կȯ, Ȥ ȸ ȭ ϰ ִ Ƶ ûҳ鿡 پ ǿ α׷ ϵ ϰڴ١ ߴ. ־Ƶ 񽺼 ǥ ֿ 鿡 ū ƴ١ Ƶ ûҳ ڽŵ ȸ ִٴ ڽŰ 翴١ .

2008 19 ڸƺ 뵿ȸ忡 츮 ա ݸ ȸ 񽺸 Ȯ, ߴ. 봺ȸȸ ȸ, ֱ⵶ KCBN, о˼â, NY ٿQȸ Ŀ 翡 ڼ ѹ ȸ ̸ ٲ μȸ μ ۼ, ؿܼ 3Ʈ , 񽺰 ũ Ȯȴ١ ó б ⵶ 縦 ϰ ȥ 翪, ü コŬ , NGO ȣ ü ߵϰ ִ١ .

弱ȸ ̳ DZκ ڿ ߴ.

< >jinsulee@koreatimes.com