[Interview]April Lee, Associate ED of EnoB
We hope our concert helps patients rehabilitation
The Koream Times - November 15, 2008
Ms.Lee said, I realized how much I am benefitting from the fact that I studied musical business while working in EnoB. I am currently recruiting professional musicians, whom I got to know through years of working in music industry, for a charity concert. She majored English at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and received masters degree from NYU School of Music in 2006. She built her career since 2005, working at Korean Cultural Service in NY, Lincoln Center, Universal Music Classic and more. After graduating from grad school, she is working at Carnegie Hall since 2007.
NYU ڼ ̳ ġ δǥ - "Ȱġ ǰ "
ѱϺ - 2008 11 15
Ȱ ȯڵ ġῡ ǰ ̳ DZ ٶϴ.
1 к(NYU Rusk Hospital) Ȱ Կ ȯڵ ڼǰ Ʈ ̳ δǥ ġ(32).̾ Ȱ ڼǰ ܿ α ȹ, ٻ ִ.
̾ δǥ ִ ̳(ȸ ¿) . ü к ź 4 ϸ ڼ ȸ ȯڵ κ α Ȯ û ް ƴ. ̿ к Ȱ ڼǰ Ʈ ̾ 10 α λ Ǹ ϰ
١ 1 ʺ 30~40 ǰ ȹ̶ ߴ.
̳ ü Ȱϸ鼭 ǺϽ ִ١ ̾ Ǻо߿ ϸ ģ ε Ȱ е ڼȸ ϰ ִ١ ߴ. ѱ ܱ б 2006 б ǺϽ 縦 ģ ״ п н 2005~2006 ѱ ȭ, , Ϲ Ŭ ٹϸ ǹ Ҵ. п 2007 īױȦ ٹϰ
α Ǵ(Music Ambassador)' ð ִ.
̾ ð ִ Ǵ α Ҽӵ ǰ ڵ鸸 170 ŭ Ը ū α̴.