Violinist Judy Kang, "Charity concerts for schools and nursing homes" |
The Korea Times - December 24, 2008
On December 21st, the new rising Korean-American star violinist Judy Kang performed Christmas carols for 300 number of disabled children and their family from NJ Milal, NY Milal, and Arumdaun church.
As a member of EnoB ? a nonprofit organization made up of Korean-American professional musicians -, she participates in charity concerts as much as regular concerts. She is currently carrying out an average of 4 to 5 charity concerts per month. She said, We try our best to perform for variety of age groups because classical music does not have any age limits.
ο.б ڼ ̾ϽƮ ֵ
ѱϺ - 2008 12 24
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