Concert for disabled and awards ceremony for volunteers Working hand in hand
Korea Daily - April 26, 2009
On this month for the disabled, many organizations held events for the disabled. On this day of event, EnoB (President Tae Wook Kang) presented many songs to spread hope and happiness to the isolated people. EnoB is a nonprofit organization made up mostly of 1.5 and 2nd generation of Korean-American professional musicians.

δü ȸ?ڿ û???' Բ ɾ'
߾ Ϻ - 2009 4 26
25 ̳ ȸ ־Ƶ ȸ ִ. ¾ ü پ 縦 . ߴָ ް ִ , ûҳ 񿵸 ü (COCO?ǥ ) 25 屳ȸ Ƹٿ ȸ ߴ.

ڴ 4 ¾ 縦 Ϸ , ش ȸ 縦 üߴ. ̳ 翡 ȸ ҿܰ ϰ ִ ̳(EnoB?ǥ ¿) ֿ ߴ.

̳ 忡 Ȱϰ ִ 1.5, 2 ε ִ. ̳ ܼƮ Ͽ ˷ Ŭ ε ֵư, ̵ ϴ ˶ ξ֡ âϴ õƴ. ǥ Ⱑ ׷ ̵ Բ ô θԵ Ÿ١鼭 λȸ ɰ Ŀ ֱ⸦ Ѵ١ ߴ.
