EnoBs Active Volunteer Service for those with Disabilities
Christian News - April 15, 2012

EnoB with children at COCO center

During the concert

EnoB Staffs at the concert

Free concerts at the Center for Opportunities, Choices and Outcomes

On May 14th, EnoB and its sponsor, Beautiful Foundation USA, held the outreach concert for those with disabilities at the COCO center at Promise Church.

During the concert, individuals of COCO center and volunteers danced and sang together. After the concert, Seon Deok Jung, president of the COCO center, expressed, I am grateful that EnoB has held its outreach concert at COCO center for our children who cannot easily travel to the concert hall. Due to their disabilities, many children here at COCO center not never attended a concert of any kind, but thanks to EnoB, this has changed.

Daewon Kim, nydaily@gmail.com